

Cruinniú eolas-information meeting

Scoil Bhríde - Mionloch

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Cruinniú eolas-information meeting


•Up to 15 minutes a night

•Homework for the week will be posted on the school website

•Written work to be done before colouring activities 

•Oral homework is as important as the written homework

•Please check homework folder everyday

Reading preparation

•How to hold a book

•Turn the pages in a book

•Look at the cover and tell me what you think it might be about

•Put your finger under the words as you read from left to right

Ask questions at the end: What happened in the story? 

Fónaic na Gaeilge


Writing preparation

•Playing with construction toys (blocks, lego etc

•Playing with dolls – buttons, zips

•Playdough (pulling, rolling, pushing)


•Playing with water and sand

•Practice using a scissors at home

School day: Normally 9:20 – 2:00 (4 hours and 40 minutes)

•Am Lóin beag 11:00 – 11:20

•Am lóin mór 13:00 – 13:20

•Absent forms (green colour) to be filled in and returned to class teacher 

•Phyiscal Education (PE days) Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays

•Old t-shirt for art lessons needed

Personal hygiene, independence

•Use the toilet without help

•Use a tissue to blow his/her nose

•Accidents in school - a change of clothes in school bag

•Head lice-hair must be tied up (text home) 

•Practice opening and closing coat

•Practice opening and closing lunch box

•Tidy away stationery after homework


•Cruinnithe leis an múinteoir-Should you wish to meet with me please organise a meeting with the school secretary Patricia

Le meas,

Múinteoir Sarah